Thursday, January 1, 2009

Au Revoir My Beloved Diet Coke!

So it totally pains me to do this post, but my New Years resolution is to can diet coke (no pun intended.) I have totally become a pop-aholic and drink one everyday. It is such a gross thing to be loading my body up with, and I figure the new year is a great time to quit. So since I am an addict, and can't just go cold turkey I have developed a plan of action. Starting today I can only have Diet and Caffeine free Coke. I am starting with that to get me off of the caffeine addiction that I have to my best friend Mr. Cola. Then once I get over all of the headaches and wanting to shoot everyone with in close proximity of me, and I will stop drinking all together. I am crossing my fingers that it won't be too hard to do because lets face I only drink it for the caffeine anyways! I am hoping that by posting this for everyone to read, I will stick to my guns for fear of everyone thinking I am a failure. So everyone raise your diet coke's as we toast to a new years of quiting! *Disclaimer*
This email may be deleted in a couple of days when I come to my senses and realize I never want to quit!


*Lindsey* said...

I know everyone says "quit". I say, live life to the fullest, be happy and drink what you want. I'm no help at all huh? :)

Kim's just sayin' said...

gross you drink one a day? when did that happen, I don't remember you being much of a soda drinker before. Good resolution Meg! I gave up sugar for at least the next trimester and hopefully throughout the whole pregnancy. wish me luck we can call and blow up on each other when we are going through withdrawals!!

Liz said...

I'm thinking this will add YEARS to your life! Good for you Meghan!! Stick to your guns girlfriend :)

Amie said...

Oh that wretched Coke company! I've never been a soda drinker myself, but then Andy got me 30 of my favorite soda (Vanilla Coke) for my 30th birthday. I'm having one a day now! Ahhh, I must quit with you! Good luck to us both! :)

Brea said...

You can conquer the beloved diet coke, I know you can! Stay strong and keep up the good work!